Friday, January 18, 2013

Bhare Bhare Aloo

A lazy evening with iffy weather, you really don't feel like doing much. But you always feel in such weather you should have a nice fulsome snack. That's when mind starts thinking about something that may take zero effort but taste good and also make your tummy satisfied.
Some days back I had gone to Barnes and Nobles and with my daughter and was browsing a cook book, when I saw a recipe. After reading it I realized that only effort you would need is mixing the stuffing. Rest all is done by oven. I kept that in back of my mind that I may try it when I would be lazy and today was the day. I couldn't believe that such a simple arrangement can taste so heavenly.

So here it is how I made and all you need is

Potato. 4
For Stuffing
Avocado. 1 chopped

Tomato. 1 chopped
Onion. 1 small chopped
Corn. 1/2 cup
Lemon 1 spoon
Salt a pinch
Sugar. 1/2 spoon
Black pepper. a pinch
Chillies. 4-5 finely chopped

Pre heat oven at 415 F. And place potato directly in oven for about an hour.
Mix all ingredients for stuffing. Once potatoes are done , remove from oven slit it and fill it with stuffings. If you want you can put cheese or sour cream but I liked it as it is .

Scoop and eat in a nice cost blanket with a book in hand. Can't have better evening :)

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