Friday, January 18, 2013

Veg Grilled Sandwich

Veg. Grilled sandwich – whenever the thought strike, “Cool Joint” is the name that first rings in my mind. I loved those days in Bangalore when we would go to cool joint and have their veg grilled which would be triple layer filled with all the good taste. After coming here I always wished that that we could ever have such yummy grilled sandwiches.
Few days back my husband was on cooking spree (good for me). He had Veg grilled sandwich in his menu for yesterday. But after three days his enthusiasm for cooking was all watered down and it circled back to me.
I thought of searching a recipe on net of how cool joint sandwiches are made. But he insisted that just make whatever I could and not spend time over net. So I tried to think how the sandwich looked and tasted. It has been long time I have tasted those but I still have vague memory of how it looked and tasted so there started my experiment of Veg. grilled.

Bread – 12 slices

For grilled veggies
Carrot, Cabbage and Bell Pepper (shredded) – about a cup
A pinch of ginger shred
½ tea spoon oil
Dash of Salt and Black pepper

Rest of ingredients
Potato 2 boiled / peeled and cut in slices
Cucumber peeled and cut in slices
Butter to spread
Cheese slices – 4 (one for each sandwich)
Chutney – 8 to 10 spoons
(Grind mint (10-12 leaves), Cilantro ½ bunch, Chilies (5-6) and Salt without adding water. Add 3 to 4 spoon curd to give consistency)

1. Prepare grilled by putting oil in a pan and adding all shredded veggies and salt and pepper and sauté on high heat for 1-2 minutes.

2. Apply Chutney generously on two slices of bread.
3. Fill in the grilled veggies between the slices.
4. Apply butter on one (top) side of the filled bread.
5. Spread potato and cucumber slices
6. Place a cheese slice.

7. Apply butter on another slice and cover it over cheese.
8. Now heat a griddle/ pan apply butter on both sides of bread and grill it both sides for about a minute.

The experiment was a hit. It felt it tasted the same as cool joint but my hubby was sweet he commented it was even better. Thanks for the comment!!

I hope all those who are away from Bangalore and miss Cool Joint sandwiches will definitely love this :)

1 comment:

Nithya said...

This is has sure been a hit in my kitchen as well. Thanks for sharing the recipe